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On this page you will find my main streams of current, ongoing research. Where relevant, I have linked to completed publications, although they are generally only the earliest outputs of the research agenda. I'm always keen to discuss - please contact me to start a conversation.

Indian defense policy

India’s importance in the Indo-Pacific may seem self-evident, but its defence policy remains under-studied. In particular, how does India approach the use of force, and how is it preparing its military to manage security threats?

I am addressing these questions through a body of interlocking research grounded in theory, history, and contemporary security issues. My book project assesses India’s modern warfighting experience, offering the first theoretically-rigorous account of the factors shaping Indian military strategy. A large part of this work, and other recently published research, focuses on the intangibles of military power – especially the importance of military strategy and doctrine.

My work at Stanford's APARC has also sought to make sense of contemporary security issues, such as the 2020 border crisis between India and China. Published research has explored the long-term implications of the crisis for India’s defence posture and competition with China. Public webinars, available on APARC's YouTube channel, have featured the world’s leading South Asia experts, exploring not only the crisis itself, but also India’s balancing strategy against China, and its partnership with the United States.

© 2018 all photographs and content by Arzan Tarapore

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